Shengjiu Group
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Dal 1984, SHENGJIU Group, un'impresa basata sulla tecnologia che aiuta i nostri clienti a creare valore con soluzioni innovative per potenziare il punto di contatto dei loro prodotti nei trasporti, nelle applicazioni industriali come energia, comunicazione, data center, nuova energia e altro ancora.

Finora, 2.000 dipendenti in tutto il mondo, 8 filiali e più di 60 partner globali, con una rete di servizi che copre più di 100 paesi e regioni in tutto il mondo, consentendoci di rispondere alle esigenze dei clienti in modo tempestivo e fornire soluzioni professionali e servizi di qualità.

Mentre il laboratorio in sede ha la capacità di coprire 55 rilevazioni, certificate da CNAS, UL e TUV. Eccellenti capacità di rilevamento e certificazione di qualificazione forniscono basi scientifiche per la ricerca e lo sviluppo dei prodotti, garantendo una qualità premium.

SHENGJIU continuerà ad aderire ai valori fondamentali di "integrità, cooperazione, rispetto e impegno". Espandere in modo proattivo l'ambito del core business e promuovere il rapido sviluppo dell'azienda con soluzioni di accesso premium.

Shengjiu Group
  • Riconoscimento qualifica CNAS & CMA

    Laboratorio dell'agenzia di certificazione CNAS Riconoscimento della qualifica CNAS & CMA

  • Autenticazione di Underwriter Laboratories Inc

    Underwriter Laboratories Inc

  • Certificazione TÜV

    Laboratorio dell'agenzia di certificazione CNAS Riconoscimento della qualifica CNAS & CMA



Setting Sail | The Road to Entrepreneurship

In 1984, Mr. Yao Jinming founded Dayin Hardware Machinery Factory, Embark on the Road of Shengjiu Technology Entrepreneurship


Multiple Explorers | The Path of Exploration

Annual output value exceeding 1 million, processing high-quality cabinet lock accessories

Independently developing cabinet lock products while strengthening quality management

Establish Shanghai Shengjiu Cabinet Lock Co., Ltd. and register the "Shengjiu" brand


Steady Development | The Road to Rise

The first batch of communication cooling fans from Shengjiu have been officially launched on the market

The first management transformation, introducing the ISO9000 quality management system

Ningbo Shengjiu Cabinet Lock Co., Ltd. was established with Mr. Yao Chunliang as the General Manager

The first agent conference was held, strongly supporting the agent channel strategy


Bravely Leading the Tide | Brand Road

Developing high-end nano spraying technology for cabinet lock products, pioneering the industry

ERP system officially launched and entered information management

The "SJ" international trademark has been successfully registered, and Shengjiu has entered the international market with an annual output value exceeding 100 million yuan

The first domestic branch was established in Shenzhen, and "Shengjiu" was recognized as a well-known trademark in China


Pioneering Innovation | The Road to Innovation

Led the development of the national standard "GB/T25293-2010 Mechanical Door Locks for Electrical and Electronic Equipment Cabinets"

Develop the core culture of building a century old Jiuchuang world brand, and establish multiple branches both domestically and internationally during the same period

Successively established Shengjiu Cooling Technology, Shengjiu Communication Equipment, and Shengjiu Group Co., Ltd

On the 30th anniversary of its establishment, Shengjiu has relocated to a modern new factory and started researching and developing vacuum coating technology for the cabinet lock industry


Unique Fresh Noodles | Development Path

Led the formulation of the national standard "GB/T31844-2015 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Cabinet Hinges", established a smart grid project department, and entered the smart grid industry

The transformation of the human resources system and the introduction of modern performance management models

Fan output value has exceeded 100 million yuan and gained market recognition

Taiwan, Shenzhen, and Dalian have successively established research and development centers


Forge ahead | the path of growth

Ningbo Shengjiu Cabinet Lock Co., Ltd. was renamed Ningbo Shengjiu Technology Co., Ltd

Formal introduction of "virtual equity incentives"

  • Senso di responsabilità illimitato
    Senso di responsabilità illimitato
    Our unlimited sense of responsibility to ensureyour safety and happiness is fulfilled by our qualitymanagement, and it leads to the creation ofunlimited value for our society.
  • Realizzazione delle possibilità
    Realizzazione delle possibilità
    Not satisfied with just achieving one goal butalways onwards to the next, we are creating agreater future by taking on challenges withoutfearing failure.
  • Realizzazione dell'amore per l'umanità
    Realizzazione dell'amore per l'umanità
    Swiftly providing value for humanity, betterproducts and services to more people, to make life more abundant.
Onori aziendali
Il prossimocertificato
Specialized, refined, and innovative small
and medium-sized enterprises
Specialized, refined, and innovative small <br/>and medium-sized enterprises
Certificate of Industrialization
Demonstration Project
Certificate of Industrialization <br/>Demonstration Project
Enterprise Technology Center
Enterprise Technology Center
Create exemplary organization
Create exemplary organization
Credit rating of enterprises
in the credit market
Credit rating of enterprises<br/>in the credit market
High quality cooperative suppliers
High quality cooperative suppliers
Well-known trademark
Well-known trademark
Council Members
Council Members
Technological innovation
demonstration enterprises
Technological innovation <br/>demonstration enterprises
Top 10 suppliers
Top 10 suppliers